WCS Building


    Many natural resource agencies recommend that private well owners test their well water at least annually for coliform bacteria, nitrates and now arsenic. We assist in evaluating your concerns and property to determine the appropriate tests to troubleshoot your situation. Protect your precious commodity. 


    Water Compliance Specialists,Inc. is a private laboratory and consulting service serving private well owners and the water well industry. We are certified for bacteria testing and do many other informational tests for the base elements of drinking water. We also work with many other cerified laboratories for the best turnaround time, cost and results evaluation. 


    WE ARE OPEN and receiving samples. Please use the DROP BOX to drop off samples if you prefer. Call with any questions. The water well industry and water labs are an important part of providing water to businesses and residents. If you are calling us and we are unable to answer please leave a message and we will return the call shortly. We are helping other customers. Thank you for your patience, continued business and support. You can find us at: 924 Development Dr. Suite C Lodi, WI 53555 Our sample mailing address (P.O. Box 135 Lodi, WI 53555) and phone number has not changed. 5/15/2023 DRC


    Currently we are having and issue with our ordering a sample kit link. If you would like to order a test kit contact Dennis please email him at dcrow@purewaterlaboratories.com or feel free to call the office at 608-225-3621. Thank you for visiting, consideration and business. REMEMBER to have your well WATER TESTED anytime there is a CHANGE in COLOR, ODOR or TASTE. If you have questions what to look for please call us. 5/15/2023 DRC


    During your SPRING yard cleanup, part of your preparations for a rural or a recreational property is checking and protecting your well head. It is important to make sure the well cap and electrical conduit is secure (not loose or broken). This will prevent vermin and insects looking for the cooler damp areas. REMEMBER to have your well WATER TESTED anytime there is a CHANGE in COLOR, ODOR or TASTE. 5/15/2023 DRC